Let's Talk
Please fill in the form below to report any Child Welfare issues.
The City of Leeds Synchronised Swimming Club follow the ASA's Child Welfare Policy, so you can be confident that any complaint will be treated in a proper manner with confidentiality, and investigated as per the ASA guidelines.

The following form will go to our Child Welfare Officer, Marie Clare Richardson, and the Chair, Ian Watson.

If you would sooner report via email, you can do this directly, by sending to rich.mac@tiscali.co.uk
The City of Leeds Synchronised Swimming Club follow closely the ASA Wavepower Guidelines and our Child Welfare Complaints Procedure is based on that defined by the ASA.
Before contacting the club with a complaint we advise you to consult these. The Wavepower guidelines and official complaints policy are available for download from the ASA website by clicking on the two links below.

ASA Child Welfare Complaints Procedure